I have to pretty much single-handedly plan a party today. Went to four different places to get the proper snacks and such, and now I'm finally back home, getting my lonche ready. crab cakes (my favorite!) I'll probably be able to get a nap in before the people come by, IF they get here on time. I don't even know how many people are coming. And some of the people who were invited I don't know if I've ever met!
If reincarnation exists, I better be something AWESOME in my next life. Like a platypus, or something endangered that gets pampered in a zoo. That'd be cool. Or maybe a dolphin or a whale. OR! something people are debating the existence of, like the loch ness monster or something, so I could mess with people's minds! *evil laughter*
Be safe in your mischief-making tonight!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Day 90
So, I started off today with going to lab. The doorway to the lab is on the top floor of the anthropology building, in a stairwell. I got there first, and sat outside and waited. A while later, I heard someone enter the stairwell and YODEL. So, naturally, I responded with 'polo!' We played yodel-polo until the yodeler got up to the third floor. Turns out it was a friend of mine. So, from then until the lab started, whenever we heard someone in the stairwell, we would yell 'MARCO!' until we heard a 'polo!' Fun times.
I saw a lot of people in costume today. Besides me, of course. I wore my steampunk-y jacket and my aviator goggles. I saw a girl wearing a 'riding a dinosaur' costume, there was a hilbilly in long johns and a cowboy hat, a rastafarian, a cow, a cowgirl, a purple witch, a skanky fortune teller, Jason, The Combustible Woman and her Arch Nemesis The Wet Blanket (who will appear later), a couple of trekkies, and a cute guy dressed as House, down to the 5 o' clock shadow and flame-job cane. Oh, and a guy dressed as 'good in the sack' He had a potato sack around his waist (with the bottom cut out so he could walk), and a nametag that said 'good'. I'll put a picture of him up later, if I remember. Moving on.
The Japanese test was easy. So I got out early, and decided to roam the Academic Plaza in search of other costumed peoples. I saw a bunch of old ags around the Sul Ross statue, and then I saw the slack-line club. Slack-lines are like tight ropes, but not. And there's where I met Jason, the Combustible Woman and the Wet Blanket. I promptly became the comic-book hero The Steam Punk, who is neutral like Switzerland. And I walked on a slack line! It was so much fun. And I had a great time. I'm almost sad I'm going home next weekend and won't be able to walk the slack line again. We looked over at the statue at one point, and we saw this old guy TAKING PENNIES FROM THE STATUE! We were in shock, but Jason, CW and I went over there. I asked him what he was doing, and he gave us the stink eye, pocketed the money he had and WALKED AWAY! CW and I stood there for a while just staring at him. Jason and Wet Blanket then decided to slip the hockey mask on Sul Ross. Since Sully was probably over haunting the money thief, he was probably distracted and therefore we were all right.
I don't remember having this much fun in a while. TGIF.
So, I started off today with going to lab. The doorway to the lab is on the top floor of the anthropology building, in a stairwell. I got there first, and sat outside and waited. A while later, I heard someone enter the stairwell and YODEL. So, naturally, I responded with 'polo!' We played yodel-polo until the yodeler got up to the third floor. Turns out it was a friend of mine. So, from then until the lab started, whenever we heard someone in the stairwell, we would yell 'MARCO!' until we heard a 'polo!' Fun times.
I saw a lot of people in costume today. Besides me, of course. I wore my steampunk-y jacket and my aviator goggles. I saw a girl wearing a 'riding a dinosaur' costume, there was a hilbilly in long johns and a cowboy hat, a rastafarian, a cow, a cowgirl, a purple witch, a skanky fortune teller, Jason, The Combustible Woman and her Arch Nemesis The Wet Blanket (who will appear later), a couple of trekkies, and a cute guy dressed as House, down to the 5 o' clock shadow and flame-job cane. Oh, and a guy dressed as 'good in the sack' He had a potato sack around his waist (with the bottom cut out so he could walk), and a nametag that said 'good'. I'll put a picture of him up later, if I remember. Moving on.
The Japanese test was easy. So I got out early, and decided to roam the Academic Plaza in search of other costumed peoples. I saw a bunch of old ags around the Sul Ross statue, and then I saw the slack-line club. Slack-lines are like tight ropes, but not. And there's where I met Jason, the Combustible Woman and the Wet Blanket. I promptly became the comic-book hero The Steam Punk, who is neutral like Switzerland. And I walked on a slack line! It was so much fun. And I had a great time. I'm almost sad I'm going home next weekend and won't be able to walk the slack line again. We looked over at the statue at one point, and we saw this old guy TAKING PENNIES FROM THE STATUE! We were in shock, but Jason, CW and I went over there. I asked him what he was doing, and he gave us the stink eye, pocketed the money he had and WALKED AWAY! CW and I stood there for a while just staring at him. Jason and Wet Blanket then decided to slip the hockey mask on Sul Ross. Since Sully was probably over haunting the money thief, he was probably distracted and therefore we were all right.
I don't remember having this much fun in a while. TGIF.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Day 89
I'd like to start off this entry by dedicating it to a little friend of mine who is no longer with us. His name was Herbert, and he was a little spider who built his little web right by my front door. Herbert placed himself on the front lines, protecting me from ravenous mosquitoes. Without his tiny eight-legged bravery, I may very well have been sucked dry. But, alas, the weight of all those ensnared mosquitoes was too much for Herbert's delicate little web, and the web was quickly destroyed. Herbert, your sacrifice will not go unnoticed. A moment of silence, please.
OFFICE TONIGHT! M can't come over because she has an exam. Oh, and speaking of exams... Music one was 130 questions long, and insanely boring. Bio Anth had me panicking even before I entered the lecture hall. I did what I could, but I'm not optimistic.
Got a test in jp tomorrow. I think I'll do all right. I can't WAIT for the weekend to start. There's a tent sale I wanna stop by, and there's the party, of course.
Oh, and I was considering whether I should wear my Marilyn dress all day on Saturday. Should I?
OFFICE TONIGHT! M can't come over because she has an exam. Oh, and speaking of exams... Music one was 130 questions long, and insanely boring. Bio Anth had me panicking even before I entered the lecture hall. I did what I could, but I'm not optimistic.
Got a test in jp tomorrow. I think I'll do all right. I can't WAIT for the weekend to start. There's a tent sale I wanna stop by, and there's the party, of course.
Oh, and I was considering whether I should wear my Marilyn dress all day on Saturday. Should I?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Day 88
Blargle. I've been studying, cleaning my apartment, taking care of two dogs, and trying to maintain my sanity all at once. I have two exams tomorrow, a test in Japanese on Friday, a paper due on Tuesday that I have yet to start, a massive headache, and I'm pretty sure I've started gaining weight again. I'm exhausted. This semester seems to go on forever. I never realized that college would be so stressful. I mean, it's in no way, shape or form like high school. With high school, you only have one, maybe two tests or projects at a time. But with college, the professors don't care about what your other classes are doing. I mean, they've got a massive number of students in each class, and it'd be impossible to plan a schedule around all those students.
I have so much respect for single moms who are in school. Taking care of yourself while keeping up with class is hard enough as it is, but when you've got both you AND someone else who relies on you for just about everything... and who says women are the weaker sex?
I can't wait until this week is over. I'm treating myself to a good dinner on Friday. I MAY even go get myself some crab cakes from Cafe Excel. mmmm... Something to look forward to.
I have so much respect for single moms who are in school. Taking care of yourself while keeping up with class is hard enough as it is, but when you've got both you AND someone else who relies on you for just about everything... and who says women are the weaker sex?
I can't wait until this week is over. I'm treating myself to a good dinner on Friday. I MAY even go get myself some crab cakes from Cafe Excel. mmmm... Something to look forward to.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day 87
So, turns out I'm having a Halloween party. The Lechner one never got scheduled, so all the SA's are coming over here. So that means I have to clean and cook and stuff. I'll organize it with Kai so I don't have to do ALL the shopping (and cleaning up afterwards)
I am exhausted right now. I barely got any sleep last night, for some reason. I've got about half an hour before I need to leave for Nautical, so I think I'll catch some shut-eye.
I am exhausted right now. I barely got any sleep last night, for some reason. I've got about half an hour before I need to leave for Nautical, so I think I'll catch some shut-eye.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Day 86
It's my favorite kind of weather today. Cold and rainy. A perfect day to take a nap... but I have class. Blargle. Went to HEB to get foodages and found SUGAR SNAP PEAS! I loffs those things, especially in veggie dip. They are quite delectabuhls.
I found a new song I really like. It's White Horse by Taylor Swift. It's a very rainy-day-type song.
Ooh, so I beat the system. I was doing my jp homeworks, and one of the exercises said 'have you ever caused anyone pain but never got the chance to apologize? Write it down here' The exercise was on the grammatical structure of apologizing for things. Instead, I wrote 'I ALWAYS apologize'. Take that, Sensei.
I think I'm gonna wear my bowler hat to class today. Because it rox my sox. BAI.
I found a new song I really like. It's White Horse by Taylor Swift. It's a very rainy-day-type song.
Ooh, so I beat the system. I was doing my jp homeworks, and one of the exercises said 'have you ever caused anyone pain but never got the chance to apologize? Write it down here' The exercise was on the grammatical structure of apologizing for things. Instead, I wrote 'I ALWAYS apologize'. Take that, Sensei.
I think I'm gonna wear my bowler hat to class today. Because it rox my sox. BAI.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Day 85
Oh, and so is Kai. (<3)
She brought me back these awesome souvenirs (omiyage in Japanese, dunno about Chinese)
I've got this beautiful little enamel plate, and a cute stuffed panda in a Chinese shirt, and a pearl necklace! In truth, I've always wanted a real pearl necklace, and I don't know if I've ever told anyone, so I'm really excited about it.
Filled out a thing on facebook: top 5 things I want to be when I grow up. A few of the things I was surprised to find, like nautical archaeologist and (best option ever) pirate queen. I also picked opera singer, writer, and disney princess. Yes, I want to be a disney princess. And a pirate queen. a disney princess pirate. That'd be great.
Oh, and I've finally decided what I want to do with Nautical Archaeology. I want to build scale models. It combines my love of ships with my hard-core addiction to arts and crafts. And trust me, it's an addiction. Jewelry making, sculpting with floral wire, beading, quilting, paint-by-number, knitting... I'm a mess. But the idea of making a model ship, complete with tons of rigging, mini cannons... I could actually be PAID to be addicted to something! Yays.
I've done enough studying this weekend. I still have Japanese homework to do, but I'll do it tomorrow. Friday nights are usually bubble bath nights, to congratulate myself on a week well done, but since I was at M's on Friday, I didn't get one. So I'll have it tonight, to congratulate myself on how amazing I am.
Oh, and so is Kai. (<3)
She brought me back these awesome souvenirs (omiyage in Japanese, dunno about Chinese)
I've got this beautiful little enamel plate, and a cute stuffed panda in a Chinese shirt, and a pearl necklace! In truth, I've always wanted a real pearl necklace, and I don't know if I've ever told anyone, so I'm really excited about it.
Filled out a thing on facebook: top 5 things I want to be when I grow up. A few of the things I was surprised to find, like nautical archaeologist and (best option ever) pirate queen. I also picked opera singer, writer, and disney princess. Yes, I want to be a disney princess. And a pirate queen. a disney princess pirate. That'd be great.
Oh, and I've finally decided what I want to do with Nautical Archaeology. I want to build scale models. It combines my love of ships with my hard-core addiction to arts and crafts. And trust me, it's an addiction. Jewelry making, sculpting with floral wire, beading, quilting, paint-by-number, knitting... I'm a mess. But the idea of making a model ship, complete with tons of rigging, mini cannons... I could actually be PAID to be addicted to something! Yays.
I've done enough studying this weekend. I still have Japanese homework to do, but I'll do it tomorrow. Friday nights are usually bubble bath nights, to congratulate myself on a week well done, but since I was at M's on Friday, I didn't get one. So I'll have it tonight, to congratulate myself on how amazing I am.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Day 84
Dear Kai:
There is a cat in your bathroom. Thought you ought to know.
Her name is Emma, and she's a sweetheart, and I'm waiting for her owner to call me back so he can come and get her. I found her wandering outside, and I knew if Toby was lost, I'd want someone to take him home and then call me so I could come get him without worrying about him wandering farther away. So that's what I'm doing.
That guy needs to call soon. I adore that cat, but I don't know what to do with cats. I don't wanna have to make a litterbox for her. I want her gone. I know, strange, right? Me, not wanting a cat. But she needs to go.
Studying for exams. Hate hate hate hate hate hate. Singing disney songs in between so I don't go (more) insane. Bai~
The cat is gone. Turns out that her owner had let her out to go to the bathroom, and she's really friendly, and that she usually ends up finding her way back home. So I kicked her out. Yet another episode of me thinking an animal needs me, and it doesn't. Glad she's gone. She's a sweetie, but she has another home. I am a dog person, and that's that.
There is a cat in your bathroom. Thought you ought to know.
Her name is Emma, and she's a sweetheart, and I'm waiting for her owner to call me back so he can come and get her. I found her wandering outside, and I knew if Toby was lost, I'd want someone to take him home and then call me so I could come get him without worrying about him wandering farther away. So that's what I'm doing.
That guy needs to call soon. I adore that cat, but I don't know what to do with cats. I don't wanna have to make a litterbox for her. I want her gone. I know, strange, right? Me, not wanting a cat. But she needs to go.
Studying for exams. Hate hate hate hate hate hate. Singing disney songs in between so I don't go (more) insane. Bai~
The cat is gone. Turns out that her owner had let her out to go to the bathroom, and she's really friendly, and that she usually ends up finding her way back home. So I kicked her out. Yet another episode of me thinking an animal needs me, and it doesn't. Glad she's gone. She's a sweetie, but she has another home. I am a dog person, and that's that.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Day 83
Dear Kai:
I have opened all the windows in the apartment to let some light and air in. This entry will be brief, since Sophie wants a walk NOW. This week hasn't gone so great, but I'm hoping (knock on wood) that today will start to shape up. Mom and Daddy are both in Richmond. Weekend will start soon. I'm planning on using the last of the juice in my poor poor Zen on the way to Japanese. I'm really excited about going to class today, because D will have read Fiasco, and I want her opinion on it. I mean, I know I based Nell off of me, but I don't want it to be like 'hi, my name is Stephanie Meyer, I mean, Bella Swan, and I am really plain looking but a beautiful and unique snowflake that all the boys love. *giggle*"
I am sitting at the kitchen table, and right now I can see clear over to the welcome center. Once the mail truck leaves, I'm gonna check if I got anything.
Anyway, my lunch is ready. Bai~
I have opened all the windows in the apartment to let some light and air in. This entry will be brief, since Sophie wants a walk NOW. This week hasn't gone so great, but I'm hoping (knock on wood) that today will start to shape up. Mom and Daddy are both in Richmond. Weekend will start soon. I'm planning on using the last of the juice in my poor poor Zen on the way to Japanese. I'm really excited about going to class today, because D will have read Fiasco, and I want her opinion on it. I mean, I know I based Nell off of me, but I don't want it to be like 'hi, my name is Stephanie Meyer, I mean, Bella Swan, and I am really plain looking but a beautiful and unique snowflake that all the boys love. *giggle*"
I am sitting at the kitchen table, and right now I can see clear over to the welcome center. Once the mail truck leaves, I'm gonna check if I got anything.
Anyway, my lunch is ready. Bai~
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Day 82
Dear Kai
I think I must have been a nazi or something in a past life. Because karma is hating me so much this week.
So, Monday, I forgot three pages' worth of Japanese homework. Tuesday, I got sick. Yesterday, my zen died. And today I had an exam in Nautical I didn't know about. I've had to write a lab paper, an extra credit paper, a skit, and I have to read Othello and write a three-page paper about it. Plus, I haven't seen Pete in a few days. I hope the little guy's all right.
On a different note, I have a new pet. His name is Herman, and he is a spider. He has built a web right outside my front door, and it currently has about twenty mosquitoes in it. I like Herman.
Going to M's tonight to watch Office. I hope Jim and Pam (Halpert!) are back from their honeymoon. Dunder Mifflin isn't the same without them...
I think I must have been a nazi or something in a past life. Because karma is hating me so much this week.
So, Monday, I forgot three pages' worth of Japanese homework. Tuesday, I got sick. Yesterday, my zen died. And today I had an exam in Nautical I didn't know about. I've had to write a lab paper, an extra credit paper, a skit, and I have to read Othello and write a three-page paper about it. Plus, I haven't seen Pete in a few days. I hope the little guy's all right.
On a different note, I have a new pet. His name is Herman, and he is a spider. He has built a web right outside my front door, and it currently has about twenty mosquitoes in it. I like Herman.
Going to M's tonight to watch Office. I hope Jim and Pam (Halpert!) are back from their honeymoon. Dunder Mifflin isn't the same without them...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Day 81
Dear Kai:
My zen is dead.
Well, not really. I have a bit of juice left. But there's nothing more tragic, for me in particular, to be jamming out to a song, and all of a sudden there's no more sound. You took the zen charger. I'm sure you have another one in your dorm that you couldn't find. I mean, I remember seeing one, like the one that came with it, not the one that you bought. And now I'm afraid to turn my zen on because I don't know when it's gonna die. I bought a charger at Target that looks like it'd fit, but it didn't. So that makes me sad.
Going to jp in a few minutes. Just thought I ought to let you know that I'm going to be music deprived. ME. Without my music. My souvenirs from Beijing BETTER be such the awesomes.
My zen is dead.
Well, not really. I have a bit of juice left. But there's nothing more tragic, for me in particular, to be jamming out to a song, and all of a sudden there's no more sound. You took the zen charger. I'm sure you have another one in your dorm that you couldn't find. I mean, I remember seeing one, like the one that came with it, not the one that you bought. And now I'm afraid to turn my zen on because I don't know when it's gonna die. I bought a charger at Target that looks like it'd fit, but it didn't. So that makes me sad.
Going to jp in a few minutes. Just thought I ought to let you know that I'm going to be music deprived. ME. Without my music. My souvenirs from Beijing BETTER be such the awesomes.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Day 80
Dear Kai:
I'm an typing this entry for you because you're in China, and I hate you. I hate you because you get to go and have cold weather and stuff, while I'm stuck here, sick as a dog and lying on the couch, wondering what kind of yummy frozen food I can heat up for lunch.
I bought a shirt for the A&M Quidditch team yesterday. They're raising money so they can go to the World Cup in Vermont. I thought was nine bucks short, and they decided to give me one anyway as long as I told people to buy shirts. But I found a twenty and paid full price, and a girl said I had the heart of a Gryffindor. Personally, I think I'm more of a Ravenclaw, but I digress.
I officially love this guy in my Japanese class. He's a counter tenor and a total music geek, LOVES Phantom (and thinks Gerard Butler should sing more and the fact that he appears in chick flicks is a crime), flails with me, and he's one of the biggest sweethearts in the history of ever. >w< He wants to make his own dress robes for the yule ball, and since I want a date for the yule ball, I suggested we go together and nerd out. I think I'll wear my long silver dress for yule ball. I know it's in December, but I like to plan ahead. And I love my silver dress. And speaking of HP, DID YOU KNOW THAT there is actually a dinosaur called... wait for it... DRACOREX HOGWARTSIA?!?!?! It looks like a dragon. Awesome, right? Right.
My friend D came over yesterday to work on the Japanese skit. Her taste in television makes me sad. All she watches are Japanese soap operas! She has never heard of Monty Python, the Mythbusters, or even House! She depresses me greatly. But she's fun. Toby and Sophie like her a lot. I read her that writers' block 'pr0n' story, you know the one? And D thought Vad was too awesome to be anything but a character I invented. So I showed her Vad's facebook page, and then she believed me.
I have a lab paper draft due on Friday that I haven't even started... I need to get a move on. It won't be too bad, I don't think... maybe... I'm probably psyching myself out and making a mountain out of a molehill.
Well, seeing as I am ill, I am going to do what sick people do and fall asleep in front of the TV. Well, I would if Casey wasn't howling. Hope you're having a great time in China, bring me back awesome stuff, all that jazz.
I'm an typing this entry for you because you're in China, and I hate you. I hate you because you get to go and have cold weather and stuff, while I'm stuck here, sick as a dog and lying on the couch, wondering what kind of yummy frozen food I can heat up for lunch.
I bought a shirt for the A&M Quidditch team yesterday. They're raising money so they can go to the World Cup in Vermont. I thought was nine bucks short, and they decided to give me one anyway as long as I told people to buy shirts. But I found a twenty and paid full price, and a girl said I had the heart of a Gryffindor. Personally, I think I'm more of a Ravenclaw, but I digress.
I officially love this guy in my Japanese class. He's a counter tenor and a total music geek, LOVES Phantom (and thinks Gerard Butler should sing more and the fact that he appears in chick flicks is a crime), flails with me, and he's one of the biggest sweethearts in the history of ever. >w< He wants to make his own dress robes for the yule ball, and since I want a date for the yule ball, I suggested we go together and nerd out. I think I'll wear my long silver dress for yule ball. I know it's in December, but I like to plan ahead. And I love my silver dress. And speaking of HP, DID YOU KNOW THAT there is actually a dinosaur called... wait for it... DRACOREX HOGWARTSIA?!?!?! It looks like a dragon. Awesome, right? Right.
My friend D came over yesterday to work on the Japanese skit. Her taste in television makes me sad. All she watches are Japanese soap operas! She has never heard of Monty Python, the Mythbusters, or even House! She depresses me greatly. But she's fun. Toby and Sophie like her a lot. I read her that writers' block 'pr0n' story, you know the one? And D thought Vad was too awesome to be anything but a character I invented. So I showed her Vad's facebook page, and then she believed me.
I have a lab paper draft due on Friday that I haven't even started... I need to get a move on. It won't be too bad, I don't think... maybe... I'm probably psyching myself out and making a mountain out of a molehill.
Well, seeing as I am ill, I am going to do what sick people do and fall asleep in front of the TV. Well, I would if Casey wasn't howling. Hope you're having a great time in China, bring me back awesome stuff, all that jazz.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Day 79
Once upon a time, there was a faraway land that was really really magical. Unicorns frolicked by the chocolate rivers, you could always see shapes in every single cloud, cupcakes grew on trees, and everyone lived in communal love-huts and sang kumbaya around pink and purple campfires. And there was no such thing as war or disease or Edward Cullen or mosquitoes or Hannah Montana or High School Musical or bad Chinese food or term papers or alarm clocks. And then one fateful day, Satan appeared. And all a manner of bad things happened. And to this day, we remember with sorrow in our hearts the day Satan appeared, and we call that day 'Monday'. The end.
Meh. You know, I can't physically remember the last time I woke up and wasn't exhausted. Tried all a manner of things, but nothing works. Woke up to bug bites all over me, which is lovely. I'll need to fumigate the apartment pretty soon. Sophie turned up a pretty good-sized insect of some kind last night. Worked on some stupid extra-credit thing, which I have now finished, dangit. And now I have to cram for a vocabulary quiz in Japanese that I forgot about, and I need to complain to the front office that the construction workers had better fix my door, and the dog upstairs is howling, and I have to pay my cable bill...
grr arg. One thing at a time, Channie. So no long entry today. Gotta go.
Meh. You know, I can't physically remember the last time I woke up and wasn't exhausted. Tried all a manner of things, but nothing works. Woke up to bug bites all over me, which is lovely. I'll need to fumigate the apartment pretty soon. Sophie turned up a pretty good-sized insect of some kind last night. Worked on some stupid extra-credit thing, which I have now finished, dangit. And now I have to cram for a vocabulary quiz in Japanese that I forgot about, and I need to complain to the front office that the construction workers had better fix my door, and the dog upstairs is howling, and I have to pay my cable bill...
grr arg. One thing at a time, Channie. So no long entry today. Gotta go.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Day 78
Murr. Didn't do a thing today. Because it's a lazy sunday. I still have a lot of things I need to do school-wise... And I get stressed thinking about it... I think I'll need to go back to the way things were at the beginning of the year and stay at the library between Shakespeare and Nautical on Tuesday and Thursday. Gonna try to get in touch with my Shakespeare prof tomorrow... and my friends A and D are going to be dragged over here to work on the Japanese project.
IT NEEDS TO GET COLD ALREADY!!! The high for tomorrow is like 76 or something. I want it to get cold now. I want to be able to wear my spiffy winter coat (it makes me feel like a pirate) and my scarf and my green panda hoodie. I want to be able to see my breath in the mornings. I'd be happy with a high in the low 60s, really. Being in Texas, I can't expect much. I don't remember the last time I saw real snow.
Which is one of the reasons I really want to see if I can get that UK scholarship. I want to feel what cold weather is really like. Sounds silly, I know. I have a lot of reasons. I want to see the sights, I want to experience the... 'ness' of it all. And I want to see if I can get a job on that wreck found in the English Channel... And maybe if I end up going to Scotland or Ireland, I might be able to find where my mom's side of the family came from. I know my dad's family is German in ancestry, and I know there's some English, French... Iroquois... But, then again, pretty much everyone has SOME Scotch/Irish or English or French somewhere.
I didn't think this entry would be so long. Watching food network. A lot of the shows I watch on Food Network have new episodes all in a row. So that's what I've been doing. Bai~
IT NEEDS TO GET COLD ALREADY!!! The high for tomorrow is like 76 or something. I want it to get cold now. I want to be able to wear my spiffy winter coat (it makes me feel like a pirate) and my scarf and my green panda hoodie. I want to be able to see my breath in the mornings. I'd be happy with a high in the low 60s, really. Being in Texas, I can't expect much. I don't remember the last time I saw real snow.
Which is one of the reasons I really want to see if I can get that UK scholarship. I want to feel what cold weather is really like. Sounds silly, I know. I have a lot of reasons. I want to see the sights, I want to experience the... 'ness' of it all. And I want to see if I can get a job on that wreck found in the English Channel... And maybe if I end up going to Scotland or Ireland, I might be able to find where my mom's side of the family came from. I know my dad's family is German in ancestry, and I know there's some English, French... Iroquois... But, then again, pretty much everyone has SOME Scotch/Irish or English or French somewhere.
I didn't think this entry would be so long. Watching food network. A lot of the shows I watch on Food Network have new episodes all in a row. So that's what I've been doing. Bai~
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Day 77
Ah. Another relaxing weekend. Well, it still can't beat LAST weekend, because last weekend was rainy, and as I type this, there is a nagging voice in the back of my head reminding me of three term papers, an extra credit paper, three pages of Japanese...
Grr arg.
I don't really want to do anything else today. I've been out and about, and now I'm tired. Took a nap, which was LOVELY. Toby and Sophie have haircuts, so now they don't look like fuzzballs.
Oh, and remember that dog that made me get locked out of the apartment? Yeah. He's back. And tried to play 'leapfrog' with my poor Sophers T_T. I nearly kicked the little thing, I was so mad. I'm probably going to go complain about the little bugger, and the idiot who's supposed to watch it. I'm also going to complain about the fact that the construction workers have completely ruined my storage shed door. If they think they're just gonna move on to the other building and leave this mess behind, they've got another thing coming. If I have to stand out there with a cattle prod, I will. I'll post a picture of the door sometime. Because no self-respecting construction service would leave it in this state.
Meh. Gonna go naows. Bai~
Grr arg.
I don't really want to do anything else today. I've been out and about, and now I'm tired. Took a nap, which was LOVELY. Toby and Sophie have haircuts, so now they don't look like fuzzballs.
Oh, and remember that dog that made me get locked out of the apartment? Yeah. He's back. And tried to play 'leapfrog' with my poor Sophers T_T. I nearly kicked the little thing, I was so mad. I'm probably going to go complain about the little bugger, and the idiot who's supposed to watch it. I'm also going to complain about the fact that the construction workers have completely ruined my storage shed door. If they think they're just gonna move on to the other building and leave this mess behind, they've got another thing coming. If I have to stand out there with a cattle prod, I will. I'll post a picture of the door sometime. Because no self-respecting construction service would leave it in this state.
Meh. Gonna go naows. Bai~
Friday, October 16, 2009
Day 76
So, I'm watching a documentary about Indiana Jones and archaeology and how the two actually have some similarities. And I got to thinking (which is very dangerous) about just how amazing archaeology is. I mean, not everybody is interested in this. Some think that genetics is the way to go. Or engineering. Or the arts, or the army, whatever. But when I see things like burial sites of thousand-year-old kings, ruins of medieval fortresses, and, of course, sunken ships, I get this cool feeling, like maybe something you'd get if you stand on the edge of the grand canyon or something. Just this... awe, I think you could call it. And this little bit of happiness that says 'that's gonna be me someday...' I can't wait.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Day 75
Mom is over and straightening the slipcovers on my furniture. I expected no less. Kai is leaving for China tomorrow. It's really hard to believe. DOn't know what to type. Office is coming on in an hour or so. Meh.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Day 74
Last night was fun. Daddy came over, and took me and Kai to Cafe Capri in Bryan. I was torn between the Tortellini A la Capri and the lasagna, but Kai got the tortellini and Daddy got the lasagna, so I had to get something else. And that something else was the Key West, which was delicious. And in the car, we listened to the new Sonata Arctica album. Look 'em up. They're amazing. And the drummer is hawt. Their song 'Flag In The Ground' is steadily climbing the list of my favorites. We also went by the house Daddy grew up in, which was kind of neat. I don't remember much about the first house I lived in. Anyway, that was last night.
This morning, I did something I've never done ever before. I mean, this is a total first. I fried an egg. I mean, I can make scrambled eggs like nobody's business, but leaving the yolk whole? Now that's just crazy talk. I think I got it halfway between over medium and over hard. I like 'em fried hard. And I had dinosaur toast. Which blows regular toast out of the water. So, all in all, a pretty healthy breffus, if I do say so myself (and I just did)
Arglemargle. Emailed my Shakespeare prof about coming in to talk to him about a few things, but his office hours are booked for today. I have to try again next week. I wanted to get him to help me come up with a topic for my paper, and I wanted to talk to him about this scholarship that pays you to study two years or more in the UK. I think it'd be strange not being able to come home, like, at all, but I think it'd be fun. I'm up for anywhere. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, wherever. I'm debating on whether I should dispel myths about Texas or perpetuate them. I'm really tempted to tell people that, yes, we do ride horses everywhere, and we all have cattle ranches. Don't know whether I'll use the accent or not.
Kanji quiz in Japanese today. I'm so not ready.
... and now for a brief interlude.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
This morning, I did something I've never done ever before. I mean, this is a total first. I fried an egg. I mean, I can make scrambled eggs like nobody's business, but leaving the yolk whole? Now that's just crazy talk. I think I got it halfway between over medium and over hard. I like 'em fried hard. And I had dinosaur toast. Which blows regular toast out of the water. So, all in all, a pretty healthy breffus, if I do say so myself (and I just did)
Arglemargle. Emailed my Shakespeare prof about coming in to talk to him about a few things, but his office hours are booked for today. I have to try again next week. I wanted to get him to help me come up with a topic for my paper, and I wanted to talk to him about this scholarship that pays you to study two years or more in the UK. I think it'd be strange not being able to come home, like, at all, but I think it'd be fun. I'm up for anywhere. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, wherever. I'm debating on whether I should dispel myths about Texas or perpetuate them. I'm really tempted to tell people that, yes, we do ride horses everywhere, and we all have cattle ranches. Don't know whether I'll use the accent or not.
Kanji quiz in Japanese today. I'm so not ready.
... and now for a brief interlude.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Day 73
I have this saying about weather in Texas... One day it's hot, next day it's cold, the next day it's raining fish. Basically, it's unpredictable. Especially in College Station. It said scattered showers today. I come out of Shakespeare, and it's pouring rain. And guess who didn't have an umbrella? Lovely. Oh well. The walk to the Underground was actually almost pleasant. Had to go to the little girls' room and try to dry off. But by the time M and I had finished lonche, it was sunny again. And then Mom drops a bomb. Surprise! Daddy's coming to visit! I mean, he told me had stuff to do in Austin today, and he'd come take me to dinner tonight, but what I didn't know is that he'd be crashing at the apartment. So I have to clean. And clean. I mean, I might even straighten my fridge magnets. and DUST. I haven't dusted once since I've moved in.
(wow... my Pandora just pulled up Dani California. Love that song.)
Done dishes and laundry, straightened up the kitchen and the living room... WOndering if I need to do anything else...
(wow... my Pandora just pulled up Dani California. Love that song.)
Done dishes and laundry, straightened up the kitchen and the living room... WOndering if I need to do anything else...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Day 72
Where has my weekend gone?!?!
I've got so much to do, and so little time to do it. Well, I probably have enough time, but my brain is in hyper-stress mode right now. My apartment's a mess, I need to do laundry and dishes, I need to go to the store because I'm out of toilet paper, I need to finish my Japanese homework... My stress-free weekend that was full of impromptu solo dance parties in my living room is but a distant memory. I have no time. Part of me wants to jump up and run around to try and get things done, but a much bigger part wants to sit around and cry.
I've got so much to do, and so little time to do it. Well, I probably have enough time, but my brain is in hyper-stress mode right now. My apartment's a mess, I need to do laundry and dishes, I need to go to the store because I'm out of toilet paper, I need to finish my Japanese homework... My stress-free weekend that was full of impromptu solo dance parties in my living room is but a distant memory. I have no time. Part of me wants to jump up and run around to try and get things done, but a much bigger part wants to sit around and cry.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Day 71
Woke up, walked the doggies and went to church. Kai came over for lonche, and then around 2 we went to the costume store to look for Halloween costumes. I know I already have my Marilyn Monroe dress, but I kind of want another one. One of the short skirted ones. Not too expensive. Tried on Alice, Little Red Riding Hood and some Strawberry Shortcake thing. None of them fit. So I asked a lady if they had any extra larges, because larges are too small, and I'm not plus size. She couldn't find any extra larges that weren't really expensive. So I got a pirate costume for Toby, and some alien deely-boppers. But no costume. That's all right, I guess. I mean, I don't need one, but I still want one. Oh well. I'll try a different store later.
Watching a documentary on the Primorye area of Russia. Pretty cool. I thought Russia just had snow and vodka and not much else. Shows how much I know. I wanna go to Russia.
Shleepers. It's kind of sad that the weekend is slowly ending. I can feel the stress on the horizon, coming back to drown me. But, for now, I'm not worrying. My mind is running very slow, so the fact that I have a lab practical on Friday isn't worrying me at all. Gonna go blorp around on the couch. Bai.
Watching a documentary on the Primorye area of Russia. Pretty cool. I thought Russia just had snow and vodka and not much else. Shows how much I know. I wanna go to Russia.
Shleepers. It's kind of sad that the weekend is slowly ending. I can feel the stress on the horizon, coming back to drown me. But, for now, I'm not worrying. My mind is running very slow, so the fact that I have a lab practical on Friday isn't worrying me at all. Gonna go blorp around on the couch. Bai.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Day 70
Today has been a perfect day, I think.
This morning, I woke up tired, because Sophie had made me wake up every hour last night. Because of my getting up to make her stop snoring, my hair looked like something rabid had attached itself to my skull. But, on to the rest of the day.
Went shopping at the mall. Bought a wig for my Marilyn Monroe costume and some Bath And Body Works stuff. Went by the puppy store and got to pet a sleepy baby basset hound the size of a bunny. Went by Barnes & Noble and got a puzzle and a book, and then came back to the apartment. I then remembered that I needed doggie bags, so I went to Petco, where I got to pet a gray and white puppy the size of a guinea pig, and got kisses from a big sweetie of a pit bull. Came back to the apartment for good, and then decided to take the dogs on a walk. Explored the complex for the first time, and I saw these trails. Decided to follow one, but decided to go back because Toby was glomping through all the puddles and getting mud everywhere. I'll probably go back out and follow it the rest of the way later. As soon as I finish watching this show about megalodons.
Like I said. Today is a very good day.
This morning, I woke up tired, because Sophie had made me wake up every hour last night. Because of my getting up to make her stop snoring, my hair looked like something rabid had attached itself to my skull. But, on to the rest of the day.
Went shopping at the mall. Bought a wig for my Marilyn Monroe costume and some Bath And Body Works stuff. Went by the puppy store and got to pet a sleepy baby basset hound the size of a bunny. Went by Barnes & Noble and got a puzzle and a book, and then came back to the apartment. I then remembered that I needed doggie bags, so I went to Petco, where I got to pet a gray and white puppy the size of a guinea pig, and got kisses from a big sweetie of a pit bull. Came back to the apartment for good, and then decided to take the dogs on a walk. Explored the complex for the first time, and I saw these trails. Decided to follow one, but decided to go back because Toby was glomping through all the puddles and getting mud everywhere. I'll probably go back out and follow it the rest of the way later. As soon as I finish watching this show about megalodons.
Like I said. Today is a very good day.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Day 69
Last night's Office was amazing. I loffed eet verra moche.
Went to lab and jp today. Nothing major.
Today's weather is perfect. And when I say perfect, I mean cold, rainy and windy. Perfect. I love this kind of weather. And now that I'm back in the apartment for good, and my weekend has officially begun, I am going to lay on the couch and chill, watch TV and stuff. Not only do I have warm blankies and puppies, I also have hershey bars, graham crackers and 'mallows. Gonna kick this weekend off with awesometasticness. Some people are partiers, some people are drunks, I'm... something. I was trying to think up some kind of fuzzy animal that likes to curl up in a corner, but I can't think of it. So meh. Oh wells. I'm gonna go get a blankie nao. Have a good weekend, whoever reads this!
Went to lab and jp today. Nothing major.
Today's weather is perfect. And when I say perfect, I mean cold, rainy and windy. Perfect. I love this kind of weather. And now that I'm back in the apartment for good, and my weekend has officially begun, I am going to lay on the couch and chill, watch TV and stuff. Not only do I have warm blankies and puppies, I also have hershey bars, graham crackers and 'mallows. Gonna kick this weekend off with awesometasticness. Some people are partiers, some people are drunks, I'm... something. I was trying to think up some kind of fuzzy animal that likes to curl up in a corner, but I can't think of it. So meh. Oh wells. I'm gonna go get a blankie nao. Have a good weekend, whoever reads this!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Day 68
lol... Accidentally published it without typing anything...
I can't wait. A one-hour special, no less! Yay.
Yes, I know. I have no life. But, you know what? That's okay. People with social lives always have to worry about their image and the latest fashions and stuff like that. Spend too much time worrying about that and you'll have no life at all.
That didn't make sense to me, either.
Knocked out the Shakespeare test today. Wasn't all that bad. In about 20 minutes, I'll be leaving for Nautical, and then it's back here for some studying and then OFFICE.
I've devised a way to kill time during my music class. I can either draw or look around and count the people who are sleeping. There was one Corps guy who was seriously nodding. I almost burst out laughing when he hit his head on the back of his chair. But what else can you do when the professor drones on and on about medieval instruments? Discuss.
Tidied up the apartment a bit, just in case M comes over to watch Office with me. Other than that, it's been class and studying.
The construction workers don't seem like they're gonna fix the door on my storage shed. I need to have a chat with the front office to get them to do so.
Other than that, I think my foot's finally getting better. My back seems to be getting worse, but I don't want to ump to conclusions. I already think of myself as a bit of a hypochondriac, and I don't want other people to think that about me, too. So I'll just ride it out.
gah... I gotta get all my stuff together for Nautical, and hope I don't miss the bus. Ciao <3
I can't wait. A one-hour special, no less! Yay.
Yes, I know. I have no life. But, you know what? That's okay. People with social lives always have to worry about their image and the latest fashions and stuff like that. Spend too much time worrying about that and you'll have no life at all.
That didn't make sense to me, either.
Knocked out the Shakespeare test today. Wasn't all that bad. In about 20 minutes, I'll be leaving for Nautical, and then it's back here for some studying and then OFFICE.
I've devised a way to kill time during my music class. I can either draw or look around and count the people who are sleeping. There was one Corps guy who was seriously nodding. I almost burst out laughing when he hit his head on the back of his chair. But what else can you do when the professor drones on and on about medieval instruments? Discuss.
Tidied up the apartment a bit, just in case M comes over to watch Office with me. Other than that, it's been class and studying.
The construction workers don't seem like they're gonna fix the door on my storage shed. I need to have a chat with the front office to get them to do so.
Other than that, I think my foot's finally getting better. My back seems to be getting worse, but I don't want to ump to conclusions. I already think of myself as a bit of a hypochondriac, and I don't want other people to think that about me, too. So I'll just ride it out.
gah... I gotta get all my stuff together for Nautical, and hope I don't miss the bus. Ciao <3
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Day 67
Blargle. And I thought my week of tests was over.
I have a vocabulary quiz in Japanese today, my first Shakespeare exam tomorrow, and a very intimidating lab practical on Friday. Times like these I want to go to sleep and wake up on Saturday, and have everything done and over with. But I can't. Because I have to watch The Office tomorrow.
So happeh.
Anywho, I have a halloween costume. Not the one I originally planned for, but I may get another one. Not only am I going trick-or-treating this year, there're also at least two parties I'm going to. So that's fun.
I can't seem to find anything steampunk-y enough to fit my awesomeness. I have awesome shoes, an awesome hat, and maybe even an awesome shirt. But it's no good if I don't have a poofy skirt. Trust me. So I now am the proud owner of a Marilyn Monroe dress. I'll need some white shoes, maybe, but my hair's short enough and almost light enough to not need a wig. I'll need to buy some lipstick... I don't think I own any. I'm excited... I haven't really gotten to dress up for Halloween in a few years. So I'm gonna go all out, dangit. Maybe if I figure out how to post pictures on this thing, I will.
I have a vocabulary quiz in Japanese today, my first Shakespeare exam tomorrow, and a very intimidating lab practical on Friday. Times like these I want to go to sleep and wake up on Saturday, and have everything done and over with. But I can't. Because I have to watch The Office tomorrow.
So happeh.
Anywho, I have a halloween costume. Not the one I originally planned for, but I may get another one. Not only am I going trick-or-treating this year, there're also at least two parties I'm going to. So that's fun.
I can't seem to find anything steampunk-y enough to fit my awesomeness. I have awesome shoes, an awesome hat, and maybe even an awesome shirt. But it's no good if I don't have a poofy skirt. Trust me. So I now am the proud owner of a Marilyn Monroe dress. I'll need some white shoes, maybe, but my hair's short enough and almost light enough to not need a wig. I'll need to buy some lipstick... I don't think I own any. I'm excited... I haven't really gotten to dress up for Halloween in a few years. So I'm gonna go all out, dangit. Maybe if I figure out how to post pictures on this thing, I will.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Day 66
Had to do that. Anyway, back to... whatever.
I got shut out of the apartment last night. And it all started with a stupid dog that someone forgot to neuter and keep locked up. It was jumping around and barking its little head off outside my living room window, making T and S spaz out. So I went to my back porch, where my vet school grad-student neighbor K was watching the little monster. It had tried to get friendly with her dog, and K was surprised that the little Casanova was still alive. He had a collar on, but didn't want to get close to us so we could call his owner and get him to pick the little creeper up. I gave up and went to go inside... but the sliding glass door was stuck. I thought 'aw, now I have to go around the front barefoot...' and then I realized that my door was not only locked, but deadbolted. So even if I called Kai and she brought her key over, there was no getting in for me. Luckily, I tried opening the sliding glass door pretty hard, and it came unstuck. So that's good.
Had class today, and in Shakespeare, the prof made us perform a (male only) version of Pyramus and Thisbe. It was the most hilarious thing EVAR. If you wanna go find a good version, go look up Beatles Midsummer Night's Dream. Yeah, John, Paul, George and Ringo put on a play. And it's pretty funny.
Back for my lonche break, and I'm dead on my feet. I call this my mid-day slump. Because that's basically what it is. I come home and my eyes feel so heavy, and I want to take a nap so bad. But I don't like taking naps if I don't have at least two hours to do so. So that sucks. Waiting for the rice to cook so I can have beef tips. Probably one of my favoritest foods. Meh.
I hate my back.
It has been hurting since three days before the semester started. And it hasn't gotten any better. I feel fine when I'm laying down or standing up, but when my back isn't straight, it hurts. A lot. I doped myself up on various aspirins and such, but if it doesn't start to get better within the next fifteen minutes, I may not go to Nautical Archaeology. Which would suck. It's my absolute favorite class, and I really don't wanna miss it. But my back hates me, so I might not be able to go. And that makes me very sad. But, on the bright side, even if I miss one lecture, I know someone who I'll convince to lend me her notes. Hopefully.
Right now, I'm watching Dirty Jobs. Mike Rowe had to clean a hippo tank. I loffs teh heepos. They are squish-tastic. Much like lolruses and manatees. Yays.
Had to do that. Anyway, back to... whatever.
I got shut out of the apartment last night. And it all started with a stupid dog that someone forgot to neuter and keep locked up. It was jumping around and barking its little head off outside my living room window, making T and S spaz out. So I went to my back porch, where my vet school grad-student neighbor K was watching the little monster. It had tried to get friendly with her dog, and K was surprised that the little Casanova was still alive. He had a collar on, but didn't want to get close to us so we could call his owner and get him to pick the little creeper up. I gave up and went to go inside... but the sliding glass door was stuck. I thought 'aw, now I have to go around the front barefoot...' and then I realized that my door was not only locked, but deadbolted. So even if I called Kai and she brought her key over, there was no getting in for me. Luckily, I tried opening the sliding glass door pretty hard, and it came unstuck. So that's good.
Had class today, and in Shakespeare, the prof made us perform a (male only) version of Pyramus and Thisbe. It was the most hilarious thing EVAR. If you wanna go find a good version, go look up Beatles Midsummer Night's Dream. Yeah, John, Paul, George and Ringo put on a play. And it's pretty funny.
Back for my lonche break, and I'm dead on my feet. I call this my mid-day slump. Because that's basically what it is. I come home and my eyes feel so heavy, and I want to take a nap so bad. But I don't like taking naps if I don't have at least two hours to do so. So that sucks. Waiting for the rice to cook so I can have beef tips. Probably one of my favoritest foods. Meh.
I hate my back.
It has been hurting since three days before the semester started. And it hasn't gotten any better. I feel fine when I'm laying down or standing up, but when my back isn't straight, it hurts. A lot. I doped myself up on various aspirins and such, but if it doesn't start to get better within the next fifteen minutes, I may not go to Nautical Archaeology. Which would suck. It's my absolute favorite class, and I really don't wanna miss it. But my back hates me, so I might not be able to go. And that makes me very sad. But, on the bright side, even if I miss one lecture, I know someone who I'll convince to lend me her notes. Hopefully.
Right now, I'm watching Dirty Jobs. Mike Rowe had to clean a hippo tank. I loffs teh heepos. They are squish-tastic. Much like lolruses and manatees. Yays.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Day 65
YAY! I'm caught up!
I hope you'll forgive me for slacking. I was having so much fun at home, I didn't even turn my laptop ON.
I woke up this morning ot a construction worker on my back porch, in my storage shed. Joy. THey've just now started on the chimneys on this side of the building. Not even MY chimney. When I walked the dogs this morning, Toby started barking, and scared a really macho-looking dude. I know, I don't blame him. Cocker Spaniels are just little balls of fuzzy man-eating terror. Right? Right.
I have Japanese today. Other than that, I don't know if I'll be leaving the apartment. Meh. No sleep-in for me, no naps either. I'll probably bore myself to death. Bai.
I hope you'll forgive me for slacking. I was having so much fun at home, I didn't even turn my laptop ON.
I woke up this morning ot a construction worker on my back porch, in my storage shed. Joy. THey've just now started on the chimneys on this side of the building. Not even MY chimney. When I walked the dogs this morning, Toby started barking, and scared a really macho-looking dude. I know, I don't blame him. Cocker Spaniels are just little balls of fuzzy man-eating terror. Right? Right.
I have Japanese today. Other than that, I don't know if I'll be leaving the apartment. Meh. No sleep-in for me, no naps either. I'll probably bore myself to death. Bai.
Day 64
Meh. Back at the apartment. The drive was boring. But the weekend was AWESOME. It's always nice to go back home and spend time with my family. And, as a bonus, I was sent back with LOADS of awesome stuff. New clothes, an amazing pair of steampunk shoes, lots of good food, a mini catapult, Bath & Body Works smelly stuff (new favorites are Pineapple Orchid and Leaves), and lots of Halloween candy. Probably only the skittles and starburst will be going to people. The rest is mine.
Too tired to elaborate. BAI
Too tired to elaborate. BAI
Day 63
Ah, shopping. Don't know where all we're gonna go, but it should be fun. Daddy's cooking out tonight, we're gonna build a catapult tonight, I'll get new stuff, it's all good. See you tomorrow.
Ah, shopping. Don't know where all we're gonna go, but it should be fun. Daddy's cooking out tonight, we're gonna build a catapult tonight, I'll get new stuff, it's all good. See you tomorrow.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Day 62
I saw dead people this morning.
No, really I did. I saw their bones.
Why, yes, I did have Biological Anthropology lab today. I need to learn a lot about bones and stuff, so this weekend I'll be filling out a packet.
I've got that Japanese test today. I'm not nervous, but I probably should be.
I'm going home tonight!! I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm gonna go shopping... and to the doctor... and to get a haircut... and Sunday I'm gonna go to the fair! I missed it last year, which made me very sad. The State Fair of Texas is, in my opinion, one of the best places for people-watching and fried foods EVAR.
Meh. Just had lonche, and I am sleepehs. I've got about an hour and a half until I need to head out, so I think I'll try to snag a nap.
No, really I did. I saw their bones.
Why, yes, I did have Biological Anthropology lab today. I need to learn a lot about bones and stuff, so this weekend I'll be filling out a packet.
I've got that Japanese test today. I'm not nervous, but I probably should be.
I'm going home tonight!! I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm gonna go shopping... and to the doctor... and to get a haircut... and Sunday I'm gonna go to the fair! I missed it last year, which made me very sad. The State Fair of Texas is, in my opinion, one of the best places for people-watching and fried foods EVAR.
Meh. Just had lonche, and I am sleepehs. I've got about an hour and a half until I need to head out, so I think I'll try to snag a nap.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Day 61
The apartment has changed a bit since I moved in. Obviously, there's furniture and stuff, but now there's just a bit more. Alphabet magnets on the fridge, a pile of folded quilts in one corner... I'd still like a bit of artwork on the walls, so by the time November rolls around, maybe it'll be a bit more homey.
Knocked almost all of my tests out of the way. Only the one in Japanese is left. So that's pretty good. Going to meet Kai and MK and the Lechner crew at Pei Wei at 8. Now that I have DVR, I'm willing to leave my apartment on Thursday nights.
I love The Office. I've decided that I want to marry John Krasinski. Or at least someone as much like him as possible.
My mini catapult kit came in the mail today <3. I'm really excited. I'm taking it home so Daddy can help me put it together.
Sorry for the update being so late, in case you're reading this. I guess I've just been really tired lately.
The apartment has changed a bit since I moved in. Obviously, there's furniture and stuff, but now there's just a bit more. Alphabet magnets on the fridge, a pile of folded quilts in one corner... I'd still like a bit of artwork on the walls, so by the time November rolls around, maybe it'll be a bit more homey.
Knocked almost all of my tests out of the way. Only the one in Japanese is left. So that's pretty good. Going to meet Kai and MK and the Lechner crew at Pei Wei at 8. Now that I have DVR, I'm willing to leave my apartment on Thursday nights.
I love The Office. I've decided that I want to marry John Krasinski. Or at least someone as much like him as possible.
My mini catapult kit came in the mail today <3. I'm really excited. I'm taking it home so Daddy can help me put it together.
Sorry for the update being so late, in case you're reading this. I guess I've just been really tired lately.
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