Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 90



So, I started off today with going to lab. The doorway to the lab is on the top floor of the anthropology building, in a stairwell. I got there first, and sat outside and waited. A while later, I heard someone enter the stairwell and YODEL. So, naturally, I responded with 'polo!' We played yodel-polo until the yodeler got up to the third floor. Turns out it was a friend of mine. So, from then until the lab started, whenever we heard someone in the stairwell, we would yell 'MARCO!' until we heard a 'polo!' Fun times.

I saw a lot of people in costume today. Besides me, of course. I wore my steampunk-y jacket and my aviator goggles. I saw a girl wearing a 'riding a dinosaur' costume, there was a hilbilly in long johns and a cowboy hat, a rastafarian, a cow, a cowgirl, a purple witch, a skanky fortune teller, Jason, The Combustible Woman and her Arch Nemesis The Wet Blanket (who will appear later), a couple of trekkies, and a cute guy dressed as House, down to the 5 o' clock shadow and flame-job cane. Oh, and a guy dressed as 'good in the sack' He had a potato sack around his waist (with the bottom cut out so he could walk), and a nametag that said 'good'. I'll put a picture of him up later, if I remember. Moving on.

The Japanese test was easy. So I got out early, and decided to roam the Academic Plaza in search of other costumed peoples. I saw a bunch of old ags around the Sul Ross statue, and then I saw the slack-line club. Slack-lines are like tight ropes, but not. And there's where I met Jason, the Combustible Woman and the Wet Blanket. I promptly became the comic-book hero The Steam Punk, who is neutral like Switzerland. And I walked on a slack line! It was so much fun. And I had a great time. I'm almost sad I'm going home next weekend and won't be able to walk the slack line again. We looked over at the statue at one point, and we saw this old guy TAKING PENNIES FROM THE STATUE! We were in shock, but Jason, CW and I went over there. I asked him what he was doing, and he gave us the stink eye, pocketed the money he had and WALKED AWAY! CW and I stood there for a while just staring at him. Jason and Wet Blanket then decided to slip the hockey mask on Sul Ross. Since Sully was probably over haunting the money thief, he was probably distracted and therefore we were all right.

I don't remember having this much fun in a while. TGIF.

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