Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 127

Hmm... The days of this blag may be numbered. Kai wants to get a four-bedroom house. We'd have more roomies, namely Scott and Katie. I don't know about it though. I've gotten attached to this place. And at any rate, whenever we go out, it's always KaiScottKatie and Kai's sister.

The dementors are breeding. I've been feeling gray and cold and sad and tired and blah for the past two days. Probably won't change tomorrow. It's strange. It's close to the holidays, which are my favorite time of year, and the weather's all cloudy and cold, which I love, but... I dunno. There's this little ball of cold inside me that won't go away, no matter how many blankets I have around me. I just feel drained. I know this isn't right. I can tell because I don't feel like listening to music. I always listen to music, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm angry, whatever. But I don't want to listen to anything. Nothing happy, nothing at all. I should eat something. I haven't had dinner yet. But I don't feel like eating. I don't feel like doing anything. It's so much effort to move. I've just been sitting here since I got home. I haven't done much.


  1. :((((

    But I like the porno apartment... :( I don't want you to move out. I won't allow it!

    And *hugs* for un-happiness. *hugs*
