Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 100

Well, here it is.

And, just as I suspected, it's not unlike any other day.

Woke up early, and spent the morning driving. Went to class, got back. Forgot to have lunch, I probably should have dinner sooner or later. Took the dogs on an extra-long walk because Mom said Sophie was getting fat(ter). Oh, and I feel awful. My head hurts, my contacts were irritating my eyes all day long, so now they're red and angry-looking, my stomach hurts, and I have a sore throat.

Don't you hate it when you're hungry, but nothing sounds good? Bluh. At times like these, I usually call someone and demand that they name types of food, so I can see if anything sounds good. There's something on the Internets that does that, right? I think it's Urbanspoon. Or I could just bug Kai on facebook.

Gah. It's cold in my apartment. And warm outside. I hate Texas weather.

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