Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 37

I am NOT looking forward to Japanese today. I'm just not. It's the same professor that I had in that uber-advanced Japanese class, and I'm STILL not allowed to speak English unless I have permission. This is going to suck wind.

I also have to go to the store today. My loving family ate all my veggies. I also need an air filter. Mom checked the one I have currently, and it was probably put in there sometime before the Berlin Wall fell. I don't know if the complex is that old, but just go along with it.

Woke up last night to a clattering sound around 2. At first, I thought Sophie had gotten into something, but then I realized she was snoring away in the corner. And then I had the horrific realization that I hadn't locked the back door. I had images of hooligans coming in and making off with the TV, my purse... but I was too scared to go out there, because all I could find in lieu of weaponry was a lamp, and they might have gunses. So I locked the door. But Toby and Sophie weren't barking, and I didn't hear anything else, so I guess I dreamed it all. Nothing was amiss this morning. Living by yourself makes you paranoid.

Just had breakfast, and now I'm gonna get dressed and stuff like that, then go to the store. Japanese starts at 3, but I wanna get on campus by maybe 1:30, so I can leisurely go by the bookstore and pick up my textbooks, maybe sell some back that I don't need. I'm also gonna take my Bard book over to someplace where I can scream 'CAN SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEEEEEEE?!' and they will come and make Shakespeare less intimidating. At least, if someone who knows Shakespeare is available >.<

1 comment:

  1. *Rascals*, Channie. Rascals, not hooligans. Come on.

    But obviously the Porno Apartment has a ghost. There is no other explanation.
