Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 130

Goodness, I've gotten pretty bad about not updating daily, haven't I? Oh well. Not like anyone reads this anyway. Made some zucchini bread to take over to Lechner after a while. Smells nice, but I don't feel like eating any. Went to the second open lab, and froze my face off waiting for the bus to get home.

OHOHOHOHOH! I forgot! Something awesome happened yesterday! I decided I wanted chipotle for lunch, so I ordered it online. And in the extra comment section, I said 'draw a ninja on the bag :D'. But when I got there, the cashier said he wasn't good at drawing ninjas, so he gave me a free drink instead. WIN.

My living room is so drafty. I've got a fleece sweatshirt on, and I'm still shivery. Blargle.


  1. staring at the swim team gets you killed by a gang of dancing ninja men who know how to twirl... (spin around! ninja!) Lol. XD

  2. I read it! :D I am currently eating some for breakfast - soooo tasty. :D
