Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 10

So, we've come to realize that the porch light has been on nonstop for over a week... And we can't find the switch that turns it off. Also, Toby threw up this morning, and I had to clean it up. Blargle. Vad, Kai and I have been watching Dollhouse pretty much nonstop. I LOVE VICTOR! He is the sweetest little thing evar. But right now, I'm very tired. There's a lot of things I need to do in the next few days.

1. register for my last Japanese class
2. order my books
3. get my sports pass
4. get a copy of the apartment key made for Kai
5. clean my bathroom
6. go to the anthropology building on campus and sign some papers
7. ...grr arg I can't think.

I feel like there's cotton between my ears. Like a barrier right behind my forehead that prevents any thoughts from coming or going, and it's building up and it hurts.

I haven't worked on my story in months. It's going nowhere. See, I have the beginning and most of the middle, and I have the end, but I can't seem to get the two parts to meet.

It's so strange. Just a few hours ago, I was feeling great. I was laughing with my friends, being silly... And now I feel like I'm going nowhere, like I just want to take a nap for a week or two, and wake up and everything I need to do will have been done.

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